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Age Calculator on Date of Birth with Calendar

Age Calculator On Date of Birth with Calendar 2024

Age Calculator on DoB with Calendar

Age Calculator on Date of Birth with Calendar: Calculate Your Age Based on Your Date of Birth Using a Calendar: Easily determine your age using our online tool that utilizes your Date of Birth. The tool accurately calculates your age in years, months, and days, along with a corresponding calendar. For instance, if you need to determine your child’s age for school admission this year, input their Date of Birth (e.g., 2.4.2018) and the desired date (e.g., 1.4.2024). The tool will provide you with precise results, such as:

  • Your current age is: 5 Years
  • 05 Years
  • 11 Months
  • 30 Days
 02 April 2008
 01 April 2024
January 2024 Holiday Calendar

Completed Age or Running Age

Completed age is defined as the total number of years since your birthdate, whereas running age represents your age based on the current year. For instance, if your child was born on April 2, 2018, their exact age as of April 1, 2024, would be 5 years, 11 months, and 30 days. Although your child is nearly 5 years old, they will officially turn 5 the following day. Therefore, your child’s age is currently 5 years old.

Date of Birth Format in India

Calculating your age can be confusing due to the different date formats and calendars used worldwide. To make it easier, you can use our free online date of birth calculator or age calculator by year. Simply enter your birthdate and our calculator will determine your real age based on the globally accepted date format: DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY.

Aside from these date formats, there are other ways to measure age such as years, months, weeks, days, hours, and minutes. To avoid inaccuracies caused by the non-uniform number of days in a month or leap years, our age calculator online tool follows a fixed concept used globally to ensure precision in age calculation.

Age Eligibility for Admission in India

Whether you need to calculate your age for official purposes or eligibility criteria, our online age calculator tools can provide accurate results. You can also convert your age into different parameters using our calculator.

Different cultures have their calendars and methods for measuring age. For instance, the Georgian or English calendar is the most widely used and has 365 or 366 days in a year, while the Indian or Hindu calendar is based on lunar phases and has 354 days in a year. The Islamic calendar has 12 months alternating between 29 and 30 days, while the Chinese calendar starts counting age at 1 year old and increases by 1 year during the Chinese New Year.

You can also manually calculate your age using a simple formula. Write your birthdate and the date you want to calculate your age in the DD/MM/YYYY format, then subtract your birthdate from the latest date to get your age in years, months, and days.

In conclusion, our date of birth calculator or age calculator by year can make age calculation easier and more accurate. Try it now and know your real age!

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